Application Security Maturity Model

The Application Security Maturity (ASM) was developed by Security Innovation and is basedApplication Security Maturity Model on analysis of ten year's worth of data about organizations and their security investments in technology, people, and processes. Based on this research, it’s clear that organizations that develop and deploy the most secure software have a high maturity level; further, they only reach maturity through much trial and error, particularly when it comes to purchasing and integrating tools into their software development and information security organizations.

By understanding and using the ASM model, organizations can understand the most effective course of action to increase this level quickly and pragmatically, while introducing as little disruption as possible.

This paper helps you:

  • Understand how the ASM model was created
  • Learn how the model works and what it can tell you about your organization
  • Help fine-tune your security-related investments in order to positively impact your software security maturity more quickly